From: Georg Issekutz Email: <>
Breed: English Springer Spaniel
Country: Switzerland
Posted on: Monday, November 13, 2000, 11:06 AM

It is always a pleasure to visit your homepage. My homepage has new address: However the new homepage is not finished yet and so long is the old one on it. Love Georg

John West Email: <>
Breed: The one and only, English Springer Spaniels
Country: Australia.
Posted on: Saturday, November 11, 2000, 12:36 PM

Great site, keep up the good work and all the best in the future. Kind regards, John West.

From: Big Continental Bertha Email: <>
Breed: Southern English springer spaniel
Country: Now Iīm in Sweden
Posted on: Sunday, October 08, 2000, 08:59 PM

Hi mum! Peter took me to a champion-show today, as always I enjoyed the trip, I really do like shows. He took some others to, wonder why? One Big CB isnīt that enough? Anyway, this was my first time in, what Peter called, official classes, guess it means they considder me to be grown up now!? Still, I do like to dig holes, bigger than the pot-holes at your road, in the run! I got a third and a special award for promising dogs, so thatīs what Iīm now, promising. Peter declared he was moore than satisfied. All for now, lotīs of kisses to all of you! Love, Bertha.

From: Catriona Email: <>
Breed: English Springer Spaniel
Country: Scotland
Posted on: Sunday, October 08, 2000, 06:37 PM
I can see why you wished me to look at your website! ....really impressive, very entertaining and informative and love the music - Lou Reed was one of my favourites - thats telling my age!? Will visit regular esp show results and whats new. Love C

From: Cassie Gilliland Email: <>
Breed: Liver and White ( English springer Spaniel)
Country: U.S.A.
Posted on: Monday, September 25, 2000, 06:25 PM
I like your web site. It is cool and it is fun. I have a springer spaniel at home and I am enjoying him. Cassie gilliland Fremont Michigan

From: Kerry Email: <>
Breed: Black/White English Springer Spaniel
Country: USA
Posted on: Wednesday, September 13, 2000, 04:53 PM

What a wonderful web site! All of the pages are wonderful, I so enjoyed looking at them. Thanks for sharing.

From: Ingrid, Email: <>
Breed: E.S.S.
Country: U.K
Posted on: Sunday, September 10, 2000, 10:11 PM
Hi Julia and Kevan, Your Swedish trip looked like fun, Bertha is maturing nicely, enjoyed my visit as usual. Ingrid


From: Mrs Pamela Goodman Email: <>
Breed: Alsatian & Labrador
Country: England
Posted on: Wednesday, September 06, 2000, 04:49 PM
Thank you for the very nice photos off your dogs they are very nice .

From: Heli Tolvanen Email: <>
Breed: ess
Country: Finland
Posted on: Thursday, September 07, 2000, 01:40 PM
Hello !! I look at yours sites and they are wonderful ! Best Wishes Hel

From: Peter Email: <>
Breed: ESS & pretty soon Perro De Agua Espaņol
Country: Sweden
Posted on: Saturday, August 19, 2000, 02:55 PM
42 days left of the dull summer... HE, HE! Yesterday the season for deer began and tonight we are looking for the big buck! Yet not allowed to have the dogs off the lead. Nice picture of Pip from the BBQ have to arrange something similar next weekend and take something as good looking of Big B. See you on friday!

From: Riki Hoedl Email: <>
Breed: ESS + WSS
Country: Austria
Posted on: Monday, August 14, 2000, 07:33 PM
Great homepage; liked the end of the shooting page - what a brilliant idea!

From: Fran Glendinning Email: <>
Breed: English/Welsh Springer Spaniel & Cocker Spaniels
Country: Scotland
Posted on: Sunday, August 13, 2000, 03:08 PM
Brilliant web page do you want to do mine - free of course !!!! Good luck Fran

From: Sylvia & Graham Gibson Email: <>
Breed: ESS
Country: England
Posted on: Saturday, August 12, 2000, 10:27 PM
To Julia & Kevin just a small note to thank you for your execellent results page. Hope you had a good day at Bournmouth with the girls - I have used your photo of me and Eden as wallpaper and a screensaver I,ve told Eden she's on the net but doesn't seem to impressed. thanks again for the results I usually print 3 or 4 sets for all the Springer people around here and yes Wendy has ticked me off for not writing before now Regards Sylvia Gibson (Sylvia I would remind you that our photos are copyright. The statement is given on the front page. We are happy for you to use them for your own personal use, but that is the limit of the copyright)

From: Kay Woodward Email: <>
Breed: English Springer
Country: UK
Posted on: Saturday, August 12, 2000, 08:16 PM
Hi Kevan & Julia Enjoyed visiting your lovely site, hope you continue with the results pages. Liked the "amusing photos" with best regards Kay Woodward

From: Brenda Apted Email: <>
Posted on: Monday, July 31, 2000, 02:56 PM
Lovely site and sight! Had not appreciated just how handsome Ernie is!

From: Email: <>
Posted on: Saturday, August 05, 2000, 07:43 AM
A very good site Julia and just reward for all your hard work. Well done. Peter

From: Tarja Hovila Email: <>
Breed: English Springer spaniels
Country: Finland
Posted on: Thursday, July 27, 2000, 06:05 AM
Hello! Lovely well done pages! My favourite pic was that Sunday afternoon pic! Good luck in the future with your springers. Kind regards Tarja Hovila & Adamant's springers

From: big brother Email: <>
Breed: the very rare benedict!
Posted on: Wednesday, July 26, 2000, 08:02 PM
Love the buttons and the countdown clock. Can you do a website for KPA please!

From: Daniel Heini Email: <>
Posted on: Wednesday, July 26, 2000, 09:43 AM
Hallo Julia You both did a great job! It's not easy to start with a own side. If a would have a comment: the writing in the boxes are not that clear, maybe you shouls change the writing or the colour. See you next meeting. All the best! Daniel

From: Ingrid and Ian Email: <>
Breed: E.S.S.
Country: UK
Posted on: Sunday, July 09, 2000, 09:05 PM
Hi Julia and Kevan, Love your site, and we will be back soon, as your now firmly on our favourite places button. Ingrid.

Posted on: Saturday, July 08, 2000, 05:05 PM
Does Poppet have a full tail? If not I'll put £10 into Springer Rescue - LOL - See you next show we meet at...Graham
(Trust the canny Scot - You are absoloodle correct Graham - I'll put £10 into Springer Rescue)

From: Graham Honeyman
Posted on: Sunday, July 09, 2000, 06:44 PM
a good Scots guess!lol. I'm sure you can stand the loss [ your loss, springer rescue's gain lol.] see you both next show time...Graham

From: John and Jacky Tarr Email: <>
Breed: ESS
Country: Somerset, UK
Posted on: Friday, July 07, 2000, 11:21 PM
Well done Julia and Kevan. Great page-great photos and such well bred dogs! Our two landscape gardeners/plasterers are doing well and look forward to keeping up to date with the gos about their sisters on your site! Regards Pickles and Missy and co

It's me .... Shirley Email: <>
Country: England
Posted on: Thursday, July 06, 2000, 04:12 PM
Lovely site. Lots of hard of work gone into this I can see! Pictures are very good! Well Done!!! Regards Shirley

Peter Olsson Email: <>
Breed: Are there several breeds?
Country: Across the big puddle, Sweden.
Posted on: Thursday, July 06, 2000, 02:29 PM

Hi Kevan, Julia and the pack! Itīs so great to have you on the net, whenever Big B misses her mum she can take a journey with me and visit her old mates in VR. Sheīs doing just fine, 3 busy weekends to come with a 2-day show south of Sweden (1200 Kmīs return), one-day show very close and another one-day after that north of us (500 Kmīs return) Then ítīs time to rest a bit for both Big B and me. Iīll notify you how she did her summer show session! Very nice homepage, well done (Julia?)

From: Denise Email: <>
Breed: English Spinger Spaniel
Country: U.S.A.
Posted on: Thursday, July 06, 2000, 12:53 AM
Loved the picture of Harriet sleeping, How did she ever fall asleep like that!

From: Katarina.Wedholm Email: <>
Breed: English Springer Spaniel
Country: Sweden
Posted on: Wednesday, July 05, 2000, 09:27 PM
Hi! What a lovely site you have! I really enjoy to visit your site! Lovely dogs as Bertha in Sweden with Peter in Qvarnhill's kennel. I'll be back soon! Kind regards Katarina.Wedholm -Lord Caalveert's kennel-

From: Henriette Schmidt Email: <>
Breed: ESS
Country: USA
Posted on: Wednesday, July 05, 2000, 04:20 PM 
Delightfully done! The personalities of you and your dogs really come through! Even though I 'didn't have time' to view your entire site - I did - as I didn't want to miss any part of it! Thanks for continuing to honor the tradition of the breed by maintaining its usefullness and easygoing character - and providing opportunities for your dogs to demonstrate that.

From: Raelene Tippett Email: <>
Breed: Springer Spaniels
Country: Australia
Posted on: Wednesday, July 05, 2000, 01:09 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed your site, loved the fun page. Just goes to prove Springers are the same all over the world and I thought mine were unique!

From: Tony Bailey Email: <>
Posted on: Wednesday, July 05, 2000, 08:33 AM
Pretty good works well!

From: Diane Tebault Email: <>
Breed of Dog: English Springers, of course!
Country: U.S.A.
Posted on: Wednesday, July 05, 2000, 02:29 AM
Caught your post on English-Bred list so I traveled to your website and what a delightful trip it was! Your Poppet looks a bit like my Alex--same intense mischievious gaze and narrow blaze. I do hope to visit your lovely country, however briefly, next year for Crufts. Hope we get to meet!

From: Georg Issekutz Email: <>
Breed: English Springer Spaniel
Country: Switzerland
Posted on: Tuesday, July 04, 2000, 09:33 PM
Hi Julia and Kevan What a lovely homepage you have managed to build. Lovely photos, interesting contents, nice design, good information. The Fun pages are cute! Really well done and worth to look. Hope to meet you some time again (Leeds??). Wish you success with the dogs and all the best. Kind Regards Georg, Switzerland

Lyn Gregory Email: <>
Breed: Ess
Country: GB
Posted on: Monday, July 03, 2000, 10:30 AM
Hi Kevan & Julia, great page! Hope to see you soon.

Peter Olsson Email: <>
Breed: Springers!
Country: Across the big puddle, Sweden.
Posted on: Monday, July 03, 2000, 08:20 AM
Hi Kevan, Julia and especially Poppet! What a wonderful homepage, when did you find time to put all this together? A pack of dogs to take care of and a pack of horses as well (some of them pretty nasty...), well done! Looking very forward to read all about Pipīs progress, just so that Bertha can shape up a bit! Lotīs of love from Peter, Big Continental B (Canouan Dorset Dame) and the rest of the pack.

Jim, Morag, Rhona and the Tralays
Email: <>
Breed: English Springer Spaniels
Country: Scotland
Posted on: Sunday, July 02, 2000, 12:45 AM
hi, Julia And Kevan, at long last the site is up and running, and very good it is too, well done.loved seeing and reading about your dogs both past and present. We are looking forward to the updates and additions. as Arnie said I'll be back.