At Canouan we look forward to the onset of winter. We spend every other Saturday at the New House Shoot in Downton, Wiltshire. It is a small private shoot, with usually no more than ten guns. Not a great abundance of game, but enough to keep us all interested, and working hard. There is open land, woods, and wetlands so we find duck, pheasant, partridge, rabbits, and occasionally a fox or two. It's great fun, and we wouldn't rather do anything else.

All present and correct
(or when the mad crazy woman says sit you do it)

Sissel (Qvarnhill Papagena) came to stay with us, and whilst she was here her owner, Peter Olsson came to stay too. We treated them both to a day out "on the beat". You can read all about it by clicking HERE.
Summer Work
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© Canouan English Springer Spaniels 2000/2004